G.A.S.C. News
Find out the latest news and events from around our club...
Discover how GASC has made waves this year with record-breaking performances, inspiring events, and community-driven growth. From national titles to fundraising triumphs, read all about our incredible journey!
More Stories
A Relay Kind Gesture
We share news of a very generous gift from a swimmer's family that will allow the club to continue to compete at the highest level!
G.A.S.C. 2024 Club Championships
A run down of our up and coming Club Championships, including the history, the events and their running order and information for swimmers who will have the opportunity to compete.
G.A.S.C Life Memberships
A call to award Life Membership to those who have served the club above and beyond the normal.
Making a Splash: GASC's Summer Swim Success
This summer has been a season of remarkable achievements for our GASC swimmers, with outstanding performances at both the European Aquatic Masters meet in Belgrade and the Scottish Summer Meet in Aberdeen.
Lanzarote 2024 Overview
An overview of our trip to Lanzarote and the feedback we collected once our swimmers returned.
Swimming for Glenrothes – Episode 2 Coming Soon!
Following the success of our interview with Masters swimmer Scott Mitchell before Christmas, we are delighted that our next instalment of Swimming for Glenrothes will be available shortly. The subject this time is Paul Noble. Paul, whose only club was Glenrothes ASC, competed in five successive Paralympic Games between Los Angeles in 1984 and Sydney in 2000, winning a total of 15 Paralympic medals, including four golds.
G.A.S.C. Short-Listed For Sports Award
We’re delighted to be able to tell our members that Glenrothes ASC has been short-listed for the Club of the Year Award in the Kirkcaldy & Central Fife Sports Council awards for 2023.
February Round Up
What a remarkable two months it has been for Glenrothes swimmers and for the club as a whole, read more about our list of achievements in the first couple of months of 2024.
Welcome to the New Year!
Looking forward and wishing a warm welcome to 2024 to all our swimmers, parents and carers, volunteers and coaches.
The Club Championships 2023
It’s coming to that time of year when the club’s very best swimmers compete against each other for the title of Club Champion. Our Club Championships are being held at Michael Woods Centre on Wednesday 1st November and Wednesday 8th November, both with a 6.00pm warm up.
Young Leaders Weekend 2024
Getting to know other like-minded young people with a passion for their club and pass on this enthusiasm to younger club members. A fun weekend with lots of positive content, exploring how to represent the views of your fellow members, get more involved, and helping you to becoming a great Young Leader.
Save Our Pools: Preserving Community Spaces for Health and Happiness #SaveOurPools
Our take on the recent #SaveOurPools video released by Scottish Swimming
East District Young Leader Squad
The Young Leader Squad involves a weekend residential course where they will meet other like-minded young people with a passion for their club and pass on this enthusiasm to younger club members. It’s a fun weekend with lots of positive content around becoming a great Young Leader.
C Squad Land Training Exercises
Here are some examples of land training that can be done at home, without any specific equipment.
GASC Training Camp 2024
One of the most exciting developments on the horizon is the possibility of a warm weather training camp which may take place abroad in February 2024. It should be noted that this will be for swimmers who are of a specific age, who have shown commitment to competitive swimming, and who have reached a specified standard.
Performance Swimming Advisory Group
Head Coach Craig Holmes has been invited to join Scottish Swimming’s newly established Performance Swimming Advisory Group for Fife. He will be one of only two club representatives on the group.
Everybody Can Swim Parliamentary Reception
Club President Duncan Simpson attended a reception at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh on Wednesday 29th March. The reception, arranged by Scottish Swimming, was intended to highlight the ‘Save Our pools’ campaign.